Can Hepatitis Cause Skin Rash? (Symptoms Of Hepatitis)

Can Hepatitis Cause Skin Rash? (Symptoms Of Hepatitis)

Living with hepatitis may be challenging for most patients. Especially, an esthetic appearance that comes with the symptoms isn’t visually appealing. Health problems have different ways to show if a person needs medical help. Skin restoration doctors in this cosmetic clinic in Perth mentions how important it is to check your skin rash. Sometimes, it may feel like scars and wounds are only cosmetic concerns. But, there may be underlying medical conditions that your body is undergoing. Incredibly, some illnesses may cause itching or skin rash. Can hepatitis cause a skin rash? You may want to ask your general physician more about this liver disease.



Hepatitis Affects The Whole Body

Having liver disease opens a gate through the body where the inflammation starts affecting the bloodstream. Hepatitis can have comorbidities with organs like the kidney, heart, lungs, skin, and bones. 

Frequently, patients with hepatitis also forget its effect on periodontal diseases. So, teeth and gum problems like broken teeth are also common. Furthermore, there are more extensive connections of hepatitis skin rash that most patients don’t recognize. 

Rare and chronic diseases caused by agents that involve the skin are more than internal causes. Several types of hepatitis can be silent for many years. As people age and reach the senior stage, there are more visible signs of liver inflammation and diseases.


What Are The Risks Of Having Hepatitis?

A liver problem can be genetic. That means you may pass the disease to your child and vice versa. With this in mind, you may want to prevent having more health complications while undergoing blood infection. A doctor can also talk to you about the causes of hepatitis, such as sharing needles from tattooing to illegal drugs. Also, unhygienic food and sanitation may carry viral infections. Whatever the reason may be, it is recommended to get urgent help to stop the spreading.


Symptoms Of Hepatitis (From A – E)

Hepatitis Skin Rash

Alongside skin rashes, there are common symptoms found when a person has hepatitis. Cases like spider angioma and edema are some of the skin diseases associated with hepatitis. You may also have problems in your mouth like oral lesions or issues when going outside your house.

Most babies and children may have hepatitis from their mother’s blood during child labor. For that reason, pregnant women should not skip pediatric and OB-GYN consultation to prevent hepatitis from spreading to a baby. Here are other visible signs that you need to remember to consult your doctor. 


  • Jaundice

The cause of yellowing skin or jaundice is due to the liver’s failure to break down bile correctly. For this reason, bilirubin circulates in the system through the blood. Both acute and chronic hepatitis can experience jaundice. 


  • Palmar Erythema

Hands and fingers may become red due to a skin problem called palmar erythema. Although it may not look like a hepatitis skin rash, the dilation of surface capillaries is often caused by liver cirrhosis. But, many cases of problems in pregnancy, mainly circulating estrogen, may also cause palmar erythema.


  • Terry’s Nails

Fingernails may appear distinctly for a person that has liver cirrhosis. Terry’s nails show as red and white with a ground-glass appearance. Having terry’s nails isn’t directly harmful but maybe a dangerous symptom of liver failure or disease. However, having this appearance may also be an indication of becoming older, and the body weakens. 


  • Easy Bleeding And Bruising

Patients with HAV, HBV, or HCV all have tendencies to bleed and bruise more often since the contaminated blood fights off healthy cells. Bruising is related to a person’s platelet count. During hepatitis, the liver has taken damaged and may not filter toxic wastes that blood can contain. This illness can affect blood clotting, and the area may be painful with spots of redness. 


How Does Hepatitis Get Diagnosed?

Several blood tests and examinations can determine which hepatitis an individual has. Since hepatitis is usually a viral infection, HBV and HCV can spread through contaminated blood. On the contrary, hepatitis A may be tested by using antibodies in the blood produced by the immune system in response to a hepatitis A infection. Hepatitis A and E are both curable on its own but still may become chronic, depending on the risk factors.


Types Of Skin Rashes From Hepatitis

Hepatitis Skin Rash Consult Doctor

Various types of hepatitis may have several skin rashes that may seem like an allergic reaction. However, the complete diagnosis from blood tests and examinations may differentiate which skin rashes a person can have. Here are some of the frequent skin rash problems of patients with liver cirrhosis or inflammation.



Hepatitis C skin rash can cause pruritus or the sensation of being itchy. Without anything visible, a patient with pruritus may feel the need to itch and scratch. However, pruritus may be acute or chronic and is usually connected with nerve problems. 



When the autoimmune system fights off the body, it may also cause certain rare diseases. But, hepatitis may also produce antibodies that become a hepatitis skin rash. It is usually widespread, itchy, and shows a larger red patch. Swelling and bruising may last for hours and are mistaken as an allergic reaction. 


Lichen planus

Prolonged hepatitis C infection can damage the body, particularly with a skin rash called lichen planus. Most of the disorder may involve skin, scalp, genitalia, mouth, and nails. Lichen planus appears white and have patches or scaly. The lichen planus side effect also makes the skin very dry or have eczema. Although it may frequently appear for people with HAV to HEV, it is not a contagious skin disease.


Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT)

A rare disorder that shows blistering skin lesions may develop from photosensitivity or skin exposed to the sun. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (PCT) may occur due to hepatitis since it increases deficiency or blockage on the blood cell passage. Patients with affected skin can become fragile, so peeling and blisters are common even with minor bumping. Doctors mention that PCT diagonsis is during mid to late adulthood.


Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome

Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (GCS) is a rare child skin disease with blisters on legs, buttocks, and arms. A child ages nine months to 9 years may get an underlying infection, which may last ten days to weeks. GCS has a connection with hepatitis B, Epstein Barr, or cytomegalovirus alongside acute hepatitis. Associated symptoms such as sore throat, upper respiratory infection, or low-grade fever may also occur during GCS. Treatments to prevent itching and pain mild topical steroid cream or other pain relief to avoid hypersensitivity. 


Which Hepatitis Type Gets Skin Rash The Most?

According to studies, any hepatitis may get skin rash. However, hepatitis skin rash occurs often in Hepatitis B and C. Abnormal pigmentation, itching, darkening (hyperpigmentation), or fading (hypopigmentation) are also present during the hepatitis skin rash. A dermatologist may give tips and details about what to do to relieve skin rash and itches.


Can Hepatitis Be Treated?

Hepatitis Skin Rash Risk Factors

Today, hepatitis management is applicable through different medications and the blood product intravenous immunoglobulin for temporary immunity. However, specific antiviral effects like a nucleotide polymerase inhibitor work in slowing down the virus. Although there are famous names like Ledipasvir with sofosbuvir and Pegylated interferon and ribavirin, some of these medications aren’t prescribed anymore. However, modern medical technology is changing chronic liver diseases using oral tablets taken every day for at least two to six months. 

Ask your pharmacist or your current liver doctor to know if certain drugs aren’t verified with FDA or harmful to your health status. 


Discuss The Hepatitis Skin Rash Symptoms With Your Doctor

Signs of hepatitis skin rash isn’t a disease which you can ignore. Yellowing, bleeding, or symptoms of a broken tooth may indicate a dangerous viral infection. If you already see any skin rashes or blisters on your body, don’t hesitate to ask your dermatologist for more information. However, make sure that you follow the rules on preventing infectious diseases in the hospital or clinic environment. Contamination may spread liver disease, so protocols are essential to keep you and your healthcare practitioners safe. Moreover, medical records and the history of your family may serve as helpful information during your checkup. 

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