What Can We Learn From Recent Infectious Disease Outbreaks?

What Can We Learn From Recent Infectious Disease Outbreaks?

As much as people want to become healthy, it is inevitable for our immune system to become weak and prone to sickness and disease. What’s worse is that viruses, fungi, bacteria, and other contaminants in the body may spread from one person to another. Primarily, there are more viral infection outbreaks like HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, and Flu that people tend to neglect. A minor injury or accident without immediate treatment can lead to health complications. Individuals should avoid touching the bleeding site to stop the spread of bacteria and germs to other body parts. What can we learn from recent infectious disease outbreaks? There are more than just medical and health-related lessons that both citizens and government authorities must know.


What Causes Infectious Diseases To Become Outbreaks?

Viral infection outbreaks start when the public doesn’t have an awareness of what to do for the infectious disease. As an example, the World Health Organization (WHO) gave a late pandemic declaration for the coronavirus last March 11, 2020. Yet, some countries already closed its borders as early as they had the first infection case. COVID19 is one example that people should not take viruses lightly. Infectious diseases became outbreaks when the number of people affected suddenly rise. A single instance of an outbreak may vary from public health implications (bio-terrorism), or a rare infectious disease (food poisoning from bacteria).


Summary Of Epidemic And Pandemic Viral Diseases

The main issue of epidemic and pandemics are how it can cycle through history. Repetitions of viruses and infections are from the source and the hosts that don’t prevent the spread of the outbreaks. You may be surprised that some viruses like Influenza, Cholera, And Yellow Fever still take millions of lives around the world. On a worldwide scale like a pandemic, viral infection already requires a vaccine or a cure. Not every infectious disease has a treatment today. So, it may be best to learn how to prevent the transmission of these diseases.


List Of Outbreaks Throughout History: (Both Epidemic And Pandemic):

  • Yellow Fever
  • Cholera
  • Small Pox, Measles
  • Dengue Virus
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis
  • Rabies
  • Influenza (Flu)


Recent Infectious Disease Outbreaks:

Data from the CDC, WHO, UNDP, etc.

2017: Diptheria, Monkeypox outbreak, Plague, A(H7N9) From China

2018: Ebola Outbreak, Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), MERS-COV

2019: Ebola, Hantavirus, Zika, H1N1 – H2N2 – H3N2v (Swine Flu)

Late 2019: December – COVID 19 (Coronavirus SARS-COV-2) Pandemic

Early Half Of 2020: Continuation of COVID 19


What An Infectious Disease Outbreak Taught People


Viruses Spread Fast And Kill People

Viral infections not only destroy specific organs, but they can also damage the immune system, making it vulnerable to complications. Today, many people suffer from immune system disorders caused by viral infections like HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, SCID (Severe combined immunodeficiency) allergy, asthma, and more.

United Citizens And Government Stop Infections

Recent Infectious Disease Outbreaks

Both the local and national government authorities learned from countries like New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea. These countries were able to prevent the COVID 19 from spreading fast inside their countries by safety measurements. Contact tracing, mass testing, early banning of flights, as well as strict implementations of rules in hygiene, are the similar strategies and plans that helped lower the cases and death toll. More than ever, the world may need its biggest lesson learned from experts that had an early response for emerging epidemics and pandemics.

Medical Health Prevention Stop Disease And Outbreaks

The control of emerging future disease or outbreaks is possible through sanitation, hygiene, and disinfection. It is essential always to do the first step in stopping the infectious disease from spreading. Washing your hands, taking a bath every day, and doing your regular oral hygiene can help. Don’t compromise your health and start becoming the change that the world needs.

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